Friday 30 March 2012

SHADE by Jeri Smith-Ready

Okay, here we go. *Stretches fingers*. Ready... set... (I know your teething with tension by now)... go!

Shade. I'm going to be honest here. At the end I was like 

and at the same time...

I mean it wasn't a sad book. But I still brawled like a baby, the story is emotional as hell and so. so. Good. 

The cover of SHADE reads, “Love ties them together. Death can’t tear them apart.” This is a brilliant heading for this book and sums it up perfectly. Aura like all the other kids her age can see ghosts. This occurrence happened during the shift, when Aura was born. Many people revel, in the idea of being able to see ghosts, however Aura doesn't. She hates it and detests any occurrence with ghosts since they always bring trouble. Thats until her boyfriends turns into one. 

SHADE is a book full of twists, turns and tumbles (See that there Kids, that's called a list of three - aren't I clever!). The idea of the whole concept of the"Shift" was fascinating, the acutal idea. Unfortunately the book didn't answer much questions but I don't think anyone knew them yet, even the government. I have a inkling that it will all revealed in the next novels! 

Jeri, Can I call you Jeri, thanks hun. Jeri I loved your writing, it reminded me of the greats. I jumped into your world like I was a princess locked in a tower and being saved. 

But can I ask one quick question. Why have the two main romance dummy's who we call boy characters have accents. I mean her boyfriend is IRISH and her "friend" is Scottish. I MEAN REALLY!?! Do you have some weird fantasy about boys who can bring a girl to orgasm by talking? Because Aura did. 

Speaking of Aura, lets discuss that little pickle of a character! Starting with her name - I LOVE IT! I mean I'm going to name my first born after her. Its soooo cool! Anyways...

Aura is a strong, dependent and complicated. And you know what they say, a complicated, deep character makes Heather not kill the author! But, really Aura was a well written character, I could absolutely sympathise with her and almost feel all the pain she was going through. 

One thing I did like about the book was how Aura acted towards events in her life. I mean if a girl boyfriends dies, she is fine the next week. I know don't look too shocked people. This is has actually featured in some books I've read!!! *Glares at books on shelf's* 

It's realistic. Some of the events are hard to imagine in the first place and then to connect characters feelings towards them and still manage to keep it real. If someone perfects that they really deserves a fricking medal! *Throws medal at Jeri*

Logan, I felt he wasn't explained nearly enough. I could see where the author was going with him, it was so close that I could almost touch it. But then it ended. I could see the whole idea of him- popular, reckless and in love. But I felt I wanted to know more, I wanted to see why he did that and how he feels. And oh boy did Jeri receive in the end. 


Zachary. I don't know how to describe him as well as he deserves.  But all I can say is:



So alas this brings to my conclusion. My last hooray. My last word till you click of this review. I HIGHLY recommend this book, its wonderful and if you haven't read it already... READ IT!

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