This Book was lovely! It was FUN. INTERESTING and truthfully a sweet read. Yes of course it isnt a huge, heavy and literature changing novel, but it was fun! It was the kind of book you could pick of your bookshelf and snuggle up in your plump sofa with a hot chocolate and a soft light. Who wants something that makes your head hurt? OK, most of you but it was a easy read.
First of all the characters. Donna (Really don't like the name but never mind) she was STRONG. Yes you heard me right. She had a back bone! She didn't forget all her problems and responsibility once she met a gorgeous and drool worthy boy!
I felt Donna character was very well developed. Her scars/tattoos was a unique effect. It damaged her. There are some speculation about the severity of this but the bottom line is it happened and it was horrible.
Her best friend Navin I did like but didn't love until the end. Mahoney was very clever to keep the relationship simple until the very end but no more shall I revel.
Xan. Xan. Xan. I didnt fall in love with you. Alas it was not supposed to be. Yes you were a good friend. Troubled, simple but I did not swoon. Xan was very much alike to Donna which made there connection NOT ONLY LUST BUT THERE WAS A FRIENDSHIP. I know right! I mean what was the author thinking creating a meaningful relationship. Between me and you. I think she was drunk. But shhh....
I only kidding guys. Even though Xan wasn't my cup of tea. He was certainty Donna s and their relationship was innocent and very. very. Cute.
Overall the authors twist of many different fairies lore was quite refreshing it wasn't just one stereotype of paranormal. It was many! It was also unique in that way. And isn't that all we're looking for? Well I am.She twisted many lores and elves into the plot to weave a worthy book. She also hid a few surprises which was interesting too. Overall what I really really liked about the story was the style. Mahoney wrote the story in third person, however she did have diary excerpts of Donna is first person which was a very good idea but I think the writing needed more development in order for it to become successfully, as sometimes it did come across as not much change between first and third.
I'm so going to look out for the second book. I'm out *Throws microphone to the floor in a dramatic gesture and walks off the stage*
And remember
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