Saturday, 9 June 2012
One moment by Kristina McBride
Wow. W.o.w. I picked this up on netgallery expecting an interesting afternoon read. This wasn't a intrestimg afternoon read. Sorry, it wasn't JUST a intrestimg afternoon read. It was so much more!
I loved this novel and was pleasantly surprised at the writing and tone too. Kristina McBride has a lovely and smooth as silk writers voice. I like to think that if I heard her talk she would sound like water tinkling though a stream - beautiful.
Going through the novel I was interested in the development of the characters. I have to admit my interest was fading during about the first half of the novel. However I forgave kristina (what a lovely name too) as the second part of the novel made me gasp and bellowing NO WAY! From the turn of events.
The novel itself had a fanatastic plot line of betrayal, grieve, friendship and most important love. Maggie was a character that I could understand, emphasise and connect to. I love when that happens when the author creates such a developed character that they almost come alive and as real as the floor beneath me. It doesn't happen enough I feel as I read my way through books
I thoroughly loved this book as you can probably tell already. I do feel that there's room for some more Maggie action! As I'm not finished with her yet and would love to read what happens next.
Thank you for netgallery for allowing me to read this fantastic and unique novel
Friday, 30 March 2012
SHADE by Jeri Smith-Ready
Okay, here we go. *Stretches fingers*. Ready... set... (I know your teething with tension by now)... go!
Shade. I'm going to be honest here. At the end I was like
and at the same time...
I mean it wasn't a sad book. But I still brawled like a baby, the story is emotional as hell and so. so. Good.
The cover of SHADE reads, “Love ties them together. Death can’t tear them apart.” This is a brilliant heading for this book and sums it up perfectly. Aura like all the other kids her age can see ghosts. This occurrence happened during the shift, when Aura was born. Many people revel, in the idea of being able to see ghosts, however Aura doesn't. She hates it and detests any occurrence with ghosts since they always bring trouble. Thats until her boyfriends turns into one.
SHADE is a book full of twists, turns and tumbles (See that there Kids, that's called a list of three - aren't I clever!). The idea of the whole concept of the"Shift" was fascinating, the acutal idea. Unfortunately the book didn't answer much questions but I don't think anyone knew them yet, even the government. I have a inkling that it will all revealed in the next novels!
Jeri, Can I call you Jeri, thanks hun. Jeri I loved your writing, it reminded me of the greats. I jumped into your world like I was a princess locked in a tower and being saved.
But can I ask one quick question. Why have the two main romance dummy's who we call boy characters have accents. I mean her boyfriend is IRISH and her "friend" is Scottish. I MEAN REALLY!?! Do you have some weird fantasy about boys who can bring a girl to orgasm by talking? Because Aura did.
Speaking of Aura, lets discuss that little pickle of a character! Starting with her name - I LOVE IT! I mean I'm going to name my first born after her. Its soooo cool! Anyways...
Aura is a strong, dependent and complicated. And you know what they say, a complicated, deep character makes Heather not kill the author! But, really Aura was a well written character, I could absolutely sympathise with her and almost feel all the pain she was going through.
One thing I did like about the book was how Aura acted towards events in her life. I mean if a girl boyfriends dies, she is fine the next week. I know don't look too shocked people. This is has actually featured in some books I've read!!! *Glares at books on shelf's*
It's realistic. Some of the events are hard to imagine in the first place and then to connect characters feelings towards them and still manage to keep it real. If someone perfects that they really deserves a fricking medal! *Throws medal at Jeri*
Logan, I felt he wasn't explained nearly enough. I could see where the author was going with him, it was so close that I could almost touch it. But then it ended. I could see the whole idea of him- popular, reckless and in love. But I felt I wanted to know more, I wanted to see why he did that and how he feels. And oh boy did Jeri receive in the end.
Zachary. I don't know how to describe him as well as he deserves. But all I can say is:
So alas this brings to my conclusion. My last hooray. My last word till you click of this review. I HIGHLY recommend this book, its wonderful and if you haven't read it already... READ IT!
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Beauty By Robin Mckinley
First off all Fairy Tales are my favourite type of storytelling. They nearly always have a happy ending and all the best characters, So on this book I may be a tad biased. Sorry about that.
First off all I don’t usually read adaptions of book that have been made into movies by Disney because all the way through the book my mind is constantly playing the God-dam movie. And as sure as hell this is what happened.
But, the adaption of this book was different! It wasn’t a Disney movie with just words to describe the computer animation. McKinley changed the backstory, to make the plot stronger and obeys some of the Story Telling laws of Physics.
Most Fairy tales have the symbolic features; Weak Female character that needs saving by the Big and Strong male character; A Horrible and Slave ridden life and a Family that hates and bullies her, her entire life. And not forgetting no looks to speak of till she puts on her oh so lovely ball gown and she’s a pretty as a butterfly. I’m sorry children I know I did say I loved Fairy tales, I do but they are very, very sexist and all those other mean words.
BUT… As the point I was beginning to get to. Modern retellings usually involve more innocent meanings and plots. For example Beauty loves her family and they love her back. She has two doting sisters, a brother in Law and a Father who will do anything for her.
Beauty. I loved her. She was heroic, solid and so, so blameless. Her journey through the story and her narration was perfect. She grew up and changed the world (well my world).
(and I’m sorry that isn’t a spoiler. If you didn’t know that you have not had a just childhood).
I wanted more scenes where he found his human side because of beauty, yes there were quite a few in the book it’s self but I WANTED MORE. MORE!
I think McKinley way right to change the parts of the story in her adaption it made the plot line even more realistic and real. She connected all the dots to make each event connect. She didn’t just make her character strong and brave. She gave a reason to!
Although, I wasn't pleased with the ending as much as I would have liked. I felt it needed a epilogue to show the reader what her life was like now she had found her prince etc. But traditionally the Fairy tales end with her princess finding her prince and throwing all consequences to the wind just for that one kiss *sigh*
The author of this book made this Fairy tale into one of my favourite books on my bookshelf at the moment and treat to recommend to friends and family knowing they will love as much as I did.
Can I just add the part on the library?
THAT Right there is WHY we need more book nerds in the bookworld we live in. SO THAT MAY BE CREATED! If I ever rule the world. That is my room. Period.
P. S Thank you McKinley also for not including Gaston.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Iron Witch By Karen Mahoney
Firstly why has the book received so many bad tempered reviews!? *Hides book behind back and takes bad reviews and hate one blow at a time*
This Book was lovely! It was FUN. INTERESTING and truthfully a sweet read. Yes of course it isnt a huge, heavy and literature changing novel, but it was fun! It was the kind of book you could pick of your bookshelf and snuggle up in your plump sofa with a hot chocolate and a soft light. Who wants something that makes your head hurt? OK, most of you but it was a easy read.

First of all the characters. Donna (Really don't like the name but never mind) she was STRONG. Yes you heard me right. She had a back bone! She didn't forget all her problems and responsibility once she met a gorgeous and drool worthy boy!
I felt Donna character was very well developed. Her scars/tattoos was a unique effect. It damaged her. There are some speculation about the severity of this but the bottom line is it happened and it was horrible.
Her best friend Navin I did like but didn't love until the end. Mahoney was very clever to keep the relationship simple until the very end but no more shall I revel.
Xan. Xan. Xan. I didnt fall in love with you. Alas it was not supposed to be. Yes you were a good friend. Troubled, simple but I did not swoon. Xan was very much alike to Donna which made there connection NOT ONLY LUST BUT THERE WAS A FRIENDSHIP. I know right! I mean what was the author thinking creating a meaningful relationship. Between me and you. I think she was drunk. But shhh....
I only kidding guys. Even though Xan wasn't my cup of tea. He was certainty Donna s and their relationship was innocent and very. very. Cute.
Overall the authors twist of many different fairies lore was quite refreshing it wasn't just one stereotype of paranormal. It was many! It was also unique in that way. And isn't that all we're looking for? Well I am.She twisted many lores and elves into the plot to weave a worthy book. She also hid a few surprises which was interesting too. Overall what I really really liked about the story was the style. Mahoney wrote the story in third person, however she did have diary excerpts of Donna is first person which was a very good idea but I think the writing needed more development in order for it to become successfully, as sometimes it did come across as not much change between first and third.
I'm so going to look out for the second book. I'm out *Throws microphone to the floor in a dramatic gesture and walks off the stage*
And remember
This Book was lovely! It was FUN. INTERESTING and truthfully a sweet read. Yes of course it isnt a huge, heavy and literature changing novel, but it was fun! It was the kind of book you could pick of your bookshelf and snuggle up in your plump sofa with a hot chocolate and a soft light. Who wants something that makes your head hurt? OK, most of you but it was a easy read.
First of all the characters. Donna (Really don't like the name but never mind) she was STRONG. Yes you heard me right. She had a back bone! She didn't forget all her problems and responsibility once she met a gorgeous and drool worthy boy!
I felt Donna character was very well developed. Her scars/tattoos was a unique effect. It damaged her. There are some speculation about the severity of this but the bottom line is it happened and it was horrible.
Her best friend Navin I did like but didn't love until the end. Mahoney was very clever to keep the relationship simple until the very end but no more shall I revel.
Xan. Xan. Xan. I didnt fall in love with you. Alas it was not supposed to be. Yes you were a good friend. Troubled, simple but I did not swoon. Xan was very much alike to Donna which made there connection NOT ONLY LUST BUT THERE WAS A FRIENDSHIP. I know right! I mean what was the author thinking creating a meaningful relationship. Between me and you. I think she was drunk. But shhh....
I only kidding guys. Even though Xan wasn't my cup of tea. He was certainty Donna s and their relationship was innocent and very. very. Cute.
Overall the authors twist of many different fairies lore was quite refreshing it wasn't just one stereotype of paranormal. It was many! It was also unique in that way. And isn't that all we're looking for? Well I am.She twisted many lores and elves into the plot to weave a worthy book. She also hid a few surprises which was interesting too. Overall what I really really liked about the story was the style. Mahoney wrote the story in third person, however she did have diary excerpts of Donna is first person which was a very good idea but I think the writing needed more development in order for it to become successfully, as sometimes it did come across as not much change between first and third.
I'm so going to look out for the second book. I'm out *Throws microphone to the floor in a dramatic gesture and walks off the stage*
And remember
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