Saturday 9 June 2012

One moment by Kristina McBride

Wow. W.o.w. I picked this up on netgallery expecting an interesting afternoon read. This wasn't a intrestimg afternoon read. Sorry, it wasn't JUST a intrestimg afternoon read. It was so much more!  I loved this novel and was pleasantly surprised at the writing and tone too. Kristina McBride has a lovely and smooth as silk writers voice. I like to think that if I heard her talk she would sound like water tinkling though a stream - beautiful.  Going through the novel I was interested in the development of the characters. I have to admit my interest was fading during about the first half of the novel. However I forgave kristina (what a lovely name too) as the second part of the  novel made me gasp and bellowing NO WAY! From the turn of events.  The novel itself had a fanatastic plot line of betrayal, grieve, friendship and most important love. Maggie was a character that I could understand, emphasise and connect to. I love when that happens when the author creates such a developed character that they almost come alive and as real as the floor beneath me. It doesn't happen enough I feel as I read my way through books   I thoroughly loved this book as you can probably tell already. I do feel that there's room for some more Maggie action! As I'm not finished with her yet and would love to read what happens next.  Thank you for netgallery for allowing me to read this fantastic and unique novel